The Benefits of Yoga Enhanced by the Benefits of Infrared Energy
The Journal of the American College of Cardiology and the Mayo Clinic report that infrared therapy improves the functioning of blood vessels, reduces cholesterol, increases circulation and lowers blood sugar levels. Some of the additional health benefits of infrared hot yoga include:
Improved Immune System Function
Infrared rays are known to boost the immune system by increasing the number of white blood cells and T cells. This improved immune system function promotes healing throughout your body, reduces muscle tension, soreness and muscle spasms. Raising your body temperature also creates a sort of artificial fever, which is also a benefit to your immune system.
A Multitude of Skin Benefits
Skin problems can be eliminated with hot yoga due to the ability of hot yoga to increase blood flow and oxygenation to your skin. The improved circulation is due to the expansion of your capillaries. Infrared energy is also shown to Improve collagen production and skin elasticity, reduce the appearance of fine lines, reduce or prevent wrinkles, and minimize acne scars.
May Help Detoxify Your Body
Infrared yoga can help detoxify your body by increasing how much you sweat during your workout, potentially clearing heavy metals, toxins, and carcinogens from your body. Detoxification could be beneficial to those living with chronic fatigue or skin disorders. Infrared hot yoga also amplifies the amount of fat you will eliminate with exercise and eliminates retained fluids.
Accelerates Your Weight Loss Efforts
Infrared boosts the enzymatic activity in your digestive tract and boosts your metabolism. Just one hour of infrared hot yoga can burn up to 900 calories, break down trapped fat, cellulite, and cellular waste. One thirty minute infrared hot yoga session is equivalent to sweating the distance of a two to three-mile run.
Reduces Pain and Inflammation
The infrared light and heat penetrate deeply to soothe pain, inflammation, and ease muscle soreness. Infrared heat penetrates your body, improving your circulation, enhancing oxygenation and relaxing your muscles. This has proven beneficial for yoga enthusiasts who rely on their discipline to help alleviate the symptoms of chronic pain conditions, such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and fibromyalgia.
Increases Muscle Flexibility and Accelerates Strength Building
Your body moves better when your muscles are warm. You will find your muscles more limber; you may also find that you require less time to warm up. While your muscles will move easier, more freely with infrared hot yoga, it is still recommended not to push yourself too hard, at least not at first. Your tendons and ligaments are not as vascular as your muscles. While your muscles may stretch more deeply, your tendons and ligaments may not be ready; you need to gauge your efforts mindfully to reduce your risk of a pull or strain.
The Additional Benefits of Infrared Hot Yoga
Heat can make yoga more challenging. You will notice that hot yoga increases your heart rate. Even if you are used to pushing yourself in other yoga classes, during hot yoga, your body will typically need time to adjust to the temperature changes in your environment. Taking some time to adapt will be worth your efforts. Some of the other potential benefits of infrared energy include:
Increasing the flow of lymph fluids
Providing long-lasting pain relieve
Lowering blood pressure
Improving allergy symptoms
Speeding injury recovery
Benefits of heat without the humidity
Will not harm your eyes

What to Expect
Depending on the class style, our studio room is heated anywhere from 75-105 degrees. Our studio doors open 15 minutes before class; we lock the doors during class if there is no receptionist in the lobby. Arrive at least 10 minutes before your first class to ask any questions! Our forms are all online. So please be sure to have signed your waiver online before class. Late arrival/early dismissal is not allowed.
Make sure to eat something small beforehand. Everyone reacts a little different to the heat and exercise. So, get to know your body. Ask our in-house nutritionist for consultation, if needed. Be fully hydrated!
Please silence your phone upon entering the studio. We strive to create a peaceful environment for all our students.
Please leave excess personal belongings at home. Otherwise, we do provide cubbies you may use for storage.
Most instructors bring their own mix of music to play that compliments the theme and style of class. Each class will have its own unique flair!
What to Bring
A water bottle and towel will help ensure you’re hydrated and comfortable during class.
A yoga mat is essential for each class. If you forget yours or don’t yet own one, you can purchase one at the front desk.
Yoga blocks and straps are optional. These may assist with challenging movements but are not required. We do have some available for purchase at the front desk, if needed.
What to Wear
Wear comfortable, light exercise clothes that allow you to move freely.
Wear clothing that you’re comfortable sweating in.
We do have a retail area with yoga clothes for sale.
Out of respect for your fellow classmates with possible allergic reactions, we ask that you refrain from using fragrances while in the studio space.
Yoga Etiquette
Remove your shoes.
You usually want to practice yoga barefoot so you can fully connect your feet to the mat and the earth, ensuring better balance and strength. Socks interfere with your connection, and they can make it harder to balance.
Turn off your cell phone or keep it in airplane mode.
Arrive 5-10 minutes early.
No talking once class starts. And minimize any conversations before as people are coming in and setting up for class. We want this to be a peaceful space for everyone.
Don’t skip Savasana!
Respect the teacher’s class, poses and modifications.
Don’t try to impress anyone. Check your ego at the door.
Tell your teacher about any injuries or concern(s) you may have.
Put your props away after class.
Respect the space. Please wipe down any sweat in your area.